Who is this service designed to help? This service can help individuals who are seeking clarification and guidance in their life. Individuals who are stuck, not thriving, unable to let go of past relationships, unhappy with their career choice, unaware of their life purpose or experiencing financial issues can benefit from these sessions. Essentially, individuals who are experiencing struggles and unable to gain personal clarity, will find these sessions helpful.
Service Overview: This service includes an intuitive reading session using Angel Oracles cards as a tool to connect with the angels to receive guidance for your life. These sessions involve working with you to clarify your questions and communicate with the angels to intuitively guide you in important life areas. Much of this work is done by interpreting the energy and vibration from the incoming information that is received and providing clarity in these areas. Sessions can reveal lots of information that is important to help you on your journey.
Examples of insights that may surface include:
Self-imposed blockages
Soul contracts
Energetic cords
Energetic mis-alignments
Other techniques are often added to a session such as:
Dream analysis discussion
Review of photographs and objects via psychometry
Pendulum testing
Spirit animal guidance.
*These sessions do not include predictions.
Benefits: Common focus areas with these sessions include: