Your personal lense is the filter through which you view your life experience. Your filter is influenced & shaped by many aspects including your earliest memories, childhood & family of origin issues, past & parallel lives, trauma, love, ancestral energy & DNA imprints, societal conditioning & so much more. All of this goes through a filter & in simple terms, translates into expressions of fear or love. It is so important for those with unresolved trauma from experiences cloaked in fear to work through these issues & heal. There are many ways that fear shows up including staying small, not using your voice, blaming others, unwillingness to take responsibility, lack of accountability, blame, shame, control, jealousy & rage. When part of your filter includes lower vibrational aspect such as these, you will remain stuck and unable to transcend your trauma. You may advance in other ways, but you will remain.....
The year 2017 has been everything but the expected. As a new energy year of 1 (2017 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1), it symbolically represents new beginnings, the first part of the climb, and the initial part of change and transformation. In numerology there is a cycle of 9 with 1 representing beginnings and 9 endings. What is surprising is that 2017 has been filled with many opportunities to.... The current level of acceleration for many souls in the awakening process is fierce and fast moving as we have been shifting toward this for quite some time. There are many levels to awakening, and once those levels are embodied, the soul then begins its shift into ascension, which is the next, higher level of soul growth. Each journey is unique with a variety of soul expressions and experiences. Some souls spend more time gaining wisdom in certain areas vs. others and some experience their awakening through learning one aspect at a time or swirl in one area of growth during an entire lifetime. There are also many cases where souls experience their awakening in rapid fire fashion, similar to participating in an accelerated PhD program, where the learning and work is packed into one intense experience, with a ton to learn, to experience and to be tested on. There is no right or wrong way to do this and everything is in perfect divine order based on what your soul has agreed to before your arrival. Below are some basic signs that you are awakening that you may connect with: This week we are encouraged to find a feeling of inner peace. There are many conflicting energies just now with the recent New Moon & Full Moon & upcoming Eclipse in August. We are being challenged to identify with truth what prevents us from pursuing our dreams & desires & removing them so we can ascend & reach the top of the mountain. This is a time where it is important to This week offers an opportunity to identify ways you can create positive changes in your life experience. It is a powerful time to set intentions & watch them unfold. It is a time to level out your masculine & feminine energies, by gaining clarity with what you desire & putting things into motion. When done in balance using these energies, you will notice... The timing of this message couldn't be more perfect after several significant events last week, including a huge release of negative energy into Earth's outer atmosphere, Jupiter turning direct after a long retrograde, Summer Solstice, and the final Super Moon in 2017 - the New Moon in Cancer. Emotions have been up and down, things are finally moving forward after over five months of stagnation, there have been mixed energies swirling about from the strong Sun influence with the Summer Solstice & deep Moon energies which have caused many to go deep into introspection over the weekend, with many needing extra rest, self-care and an emotional outlet to help release. As we start a new week, it is helpful to know that many of you will.... The New Moon in Cancer has been an incredibly deep and revealing experience, offering an opportunity to travel deep into the layers of your inner core to discover what is in need of healing. Much of this Super Moon experience has brought us to a place of looking at what brings us comfort and then looking with honesty at what is no longer healthy for you to hold onto. This is not an easy experience to go through as it .... The New Moon arrives today @ 7:31pm. This is a time of new beginnings and creating what you desire for your future in the now. Cancer is a water sign and is the planet that rules the moon. Water evokes emotion, depth, creativity, and going within - the feminine energies. This new moon experience will .... This message for the week ahead is perfectly timed following Father's Day. Father's Day provides an opportunity to recognize the males in your life who have been fathers to you. Depending on your personal experience with your own father or the men who have stepped in as fathers, these moments can be a time of great A message for the week ahead is to explore your priorities. This can mean different things for everyone but follow what resonates for you personally. Do you know what your priorities are just now? Are you clear with them? Do they need to be dusted off & revisited? Do they align with you? What are you doing to ensure you are focused on what is a priority for you? Are you making progress? Do you need to pull back or push ahead? How do you find balance in meeting your priorities & self care? Are your priorities your own or led by others. This week you are invited to.... Empaths are regularly misunderstood & often called overly sensitive or told they get too distracted. We certainly are deeply sensitive to the energies of others as we regularly feel their emotions, thoughts and feelings, physical pains and intentions. We also get distracted by our environments as we are very dialed into much of the “invisible world” and connected to many senses around us, such as smell, touch, visual, sound and taste, not to mention the energetic fields of people, places, animals, children and nature. Empaths come in a variety of unique versions. Some of us..... This week’s universal message is Go Now, inspired by the energies of Serapis Bey. Many of you are at an important crossroad where you can leave a toxic situation or choose something beneficial for you. The path that you connect with internally is the one to pay attention to. It is time to remove the excuses, and like Nike says, just do it. The 'it' is whatever it is for you personally, with so many possibilities such as relationship, job, where you live, hobby, or volunteer work. The universe is extra supportive of you taking action now, so remove your self-imposed obstacles & go for it! Serapis Bey is an Egyptian god of Ascension and a bridge between heaven and earth. Think of him as a spiritual life coach and call upon him whenever you need additional energy and motivation to take action. Find that courage from within & do what is needed to shift into a better version of you that has been waiting to show up for the world. Have a wonderful week lovelies! Lunar Eclipse in Leo on 2.10.17 @ 4:44 PST The lunar eclipse arrives on February 10, 2017at 4:44pm PST in the sign of Leo. First of all, I LOVE that it is occurring at 444 for those in the U.S. in PST the zone! The energy, love & support on this triple digit combination is amazing! Eclipses help illuminate areas that require healing & release. They can be life changing as the..... I started writing this blog exactly four weeks ago from today, and as I look through my draft, although lots of scandals have since been revealed, the core part of what is truly happening has not changed. This blog is my take on how the U.S. Election is one of many external expressions within the universe reflecting our relationship to personal truth, the current shift and the Sacred Divine Feminine. There are many other ways this shift is expressing and yet an important one that is front and center for the entire world to see is the U.S. Election. Here is my personal share on what the true meaning of this event is for each soul who chose to incarnate on Earth at this incredibly amazing time, as well as the collective universe. Let’s begin with a brief overview of energy and masculine and feminine principles so the rest of this blog makes sense. I believe that everything is energy, from thoughts and emotions to the manifestation of all things in our physical world. Where there is a thought, there is energy that follows and eventually a creation which shows up on the physical plane. If we take this a step further, each of us is a mix of both masculine and feminine energies. Some hallmark expressions of masculine energy include taking action, physical strength, decisiveness and work first. Examples of feminine energy include feeling through stuff, seeking answers internally, being vulnerable, and people first. Both expressions are necessary and when combined and balanced in healthy ways are very effective and powerful. We are at a time where it is important to....... We are shifting and advancing as a collective, but at times it can feel like it is happening in reverse or slowing down. The card I pulled was upside down, which is an important part of this message where this personal growth can feel like it’s in a backward motion some days, and other days, it is traveling at full speed. You may feel like you make progress, then Each of us has unique gifts to offer this world. The more unique you are the more likely you don’t fit the traditional mold that has been pre-defined by others. When you truly accept yourself, you no longer try to fit the definitions created by others of what is “normal” and you remove any limits that have been placed on your ability to self-express and simply be YOU. Some of Expressing gratitude helps you stay in the moment, encourages you to value your current life experience and helps you energetically attract more of the same. During the month of June, I received a message from spirit to focus more on what I am grateful for in my life. The message directed me to start a daily journal for the month of July about something I am grateful for and allow the flow of inspiration from the day or whatever I’m pulled towards to be my focus. On July 1, 2016 I began a daily Gratitude Journal for each day of the month and the following is my gratitude journal. It was also communicated to share with you how this experience impacted me once I was done. I will share more on that in a separate blog. Day 1: I am grateful for....... The month of July is about turning inward to search deeper about the Self. There is much old stuff releasing now and we're feeling the physical effects of this as the physical layers are the last areas where energy releases. Make sure you rest when needed, drink lots of clean water, keep your diet healthy and move your body, all of which help ensure a smoother releasing process. Allow your emotions to surface this month (and believe me they will!) as you close out old timelines. When this happens you're.... We are encouraged this week to take a look at everything in our world that supports us through love and the areas where we feel blessed. It is important to regularly appreciate these parts of your life and express gratitude. In simple terms, this invites more things into your world for you to be grateful for. This is also a time where the universe will.... |
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